Moving on up
Moving day is nearly here! This is a reminder that Psychology Associates Clinic and Development Centre are moving to the First Floor, 49 Water Street. As of 1 March 2012, we will be in the lovely and newly remodeled NMA Building (bordered by Cumberland, Water, and Vogel Streets), occupying the whole first floor with our clinic rooms and new state-of-the-art conference and training centre.
You will see all the same familiar and friendly faces, but we’re now in the heart of Dunedin. Our Clinic has 5 stylish consultation rooms, a spacious reception area, and two separate and comfortable waiting areas, all with the most up-to-date conveniences (and tea and coffee!). In addition, we now have the facilities for large group treatment and training in our gorgeous, high-tech Development Centre.
Our contact details are: Psychology Associates, 1st Floor NMA Building, 49 Water Street, P.O. Box 149, Dunedin 9054. Phone (03) 4777 120, Fax 4777130.
See our Facebook page for more photos and information about the move.