The jury is out….Results of the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction
Last year, over 5000 people or organisations made submissions to the Mental Health and Addiction Inquiry – maybe you were one of them. The panel made a 5 minute animation to summarise the findings of He Oranga which you can watch by clicking on the following link
To read the full report in a range of formats go to: or follow this link

Introducing the Inquiry Panel – Sir Mason Durie, Dr Jemaima Tiatia-Seath, Professor Ron Paterson (Chair), Minister Clark, Dean Rangihuna, Dr Barbara Disley and Josiah Tualamali’i at the handover of the report to the Government on 28 November.

Key findings:
We can do more to help each other
We have a solid foundation to build on
We’re not getting the outcomes we want
Quality of services and facilities is variable
Key components of the system are missing
It’s time to build a new mental health and addictions system on the existing foundations to provide a continuum of care and support.