More big news
Psychology Associates Development Centre, 1st Floor, 49 Water Street, Dunedin
One of the most exciting aspects of the move to our new premises is the brand new Development Centre. This is over 80 square metres of historic warehouse space for us to use in new creative ways.
Within the Development Centre is seating for up to 100 people, a massive superb quality screen, a high-tech sound and projector system (which Kevin Moylan from Kustomised Installation Sound Services assures us is great for watching live sports!), and a full kitchen facility. We are so excited about using the Development Centre to run groups, host seminars, workshops and conferences. We will focus on presentations which are cutting edge, professional and entertaining. As well as being experienced clinicians who work in the real world, our presenters are trained in adult education to ensure engaging, high quality seminars. We look forward to offering a new stream of options to our existing clients, new clients, our business partners, and the wider public. If you are interested, see our Facebook page, or contact us for a ‘live visit’.
The Development Centre is available for hire. If you or your organisation would like a ‘tailor-made’ workshop for your group, please contact us on 4777 120 or via email at