What Makes a Good Therapist?
– Verbal fluency
– Warmth
– Acceptance
– Empathy
– Ability to identify client feelings
– Ability to develop strong therapeutic alliances with a variety of clients
– High attunement to client progress
– Use of treatment models based on solid science
– Ability to “implement those [science-based treatment] models with fidelity and clinical complexity…in ways that match to the clients”
Thirty-two world experts in psychotherapy research have worked for the past seven years on a project to determine the key characteristics that distinguish effective therapists from their less effective colleagues. More results of this long-term and ambitious project are expected with time, with the ultimate goal of identifying which therapist variables help clients the most, and which ones are most deleterious as well.
For more information, see Sexton, T.L., & van Dam, A. (2010). Creativity within the Structure: Clinical Expertise and Evidence-based Treatments. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 40, 175-180.
And to book an appointment with a clinical psychologist here (all of whom embody the above traits), contact us.