Trauma and the Avoidant Client

Engaging traumatised clients who avoid attachment, closeness, and painful feelings

Professor Robert T. Muller (York University, Canada)

9am to 4pm, Thursday the 7th & Friday the 8th of May 2015
Dunedin, NZ

This workshop is designed for psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, counsellors, and health/mental health professionals working with clients coping with trauma or trauma-related problems and symptoms.

Purpose of Event
Recent years have seen advances in the treatment of intra-familial trauma. Yet, surprisingly little has focused on specific intervention strategies to help the traumatised individual who is avoidant of attachment. Many of our clients cope with traumatic attachment experiences by minimising painful feelings, by becoming emotionally distant, and by devaluing interpersonal closeness, intimacy, and feelings of vulnerability.

Dr Muller will focus on therapeutic techniques he has developed specifically for this population, many of which are included in his award-winning psychotherapy book, Trauma and the Avoidant Client: Attachment Based Strategies for Healing. Every registration to this workshop includes a copy of his book, read a review here.

Learning objectives:
– Recognise characteristics of avoidant attachment
– Productively use trauma-related symptoms
– Maximise client engagement throughout the process
– Work with affect
– Recognise and use client transference
– Effectively manage and use therapist counter-transference
– Plan for the termination phase

Email Registration Form to Psychology Associates

Further information
See our Flyer

$575.00 including GST if registered before 17th of April
$690.00 including GST if registered after 17th of April

NOTE: Credit card payments incur a $24.75 PayPal processing fee. See our registration form for other payment options.

Registration options