Category: uncategorised

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Night Time Is The Right Time

9 May, 2013

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Do you have a busy schedule during the day but want to do some self-care? Is it hard to find a time to work on your relationship problems given busy work hours? Do you have a child who could use some support, but you don’t want them to miss any school getting it? Or do you just function better in the evenings? read more »

Mood Food

28 March, 2013

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You are what you eat. That’s how the saying goes. But did you know that what you eat can play a big part in how you feel as well?

A recent resurgence of interest in the interaction of nutrition and mental health has yielded some important and potentially life-changing results. For instance, a review of the literature (Luppino et al., 2010) found that obesity increases the risk of depression, as well as depression increasing the risk of obesity. read more »

Alzeimer’s = diet-induced diabetes?

27 February, 2013

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Neuropathologist Suzanne M. de la Monte recently published research that suggests that Alzheimer’s disease (a form of dementia) is similar to diabetes. read more »

Gems from Dr Bruce Perry

7 February, 2013

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In a recent edition of the Brainwave Trust newsletter, a report was made on the work of Dr Bruce Perry and his colleague Annette Jackson. The two are part of a project by the Child Trauma Academy. read more »

New Year, New Start!

28 January, 2013

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Now is a great time of year to book in a session with one of our clinicians. Several clinicians have increased their hours this year to assist the growing number of clients using Psychology Associates services. We have more appointment times available for new clients and can help with a wide range of issues. View a list of our clinicians and their specialties and/or our clinicians profiles.