Category: uncategorised

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College event

7 June, 2012

posted in events, uncategorised

From the Psychologists Hat

Presented by
NZ College of Clinical Psychologists
Tuesday, 19th June 2012
5.30 – 7pm
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Doctor, I need a pill!

24 May, 2012

posted in uncategorised

Placebos work even when patients know they’re only sugar!

Researchers from Harvard and a medical centre in Boston investigated the ethical use of placebos (pills with no active medication) because studies have shown that lots of placebos were being prescribed to patients who unwittingly took them thinking that they were active medications. read more »

You are feeling very sleepy…

10 May, 2012

posted in uncategorised

Hypnosis. Does it really work, or is it just the power of suggestion?

Despite the knock it’s taken due to stage hypnotists getting people to cluck like chickens in front of audiences of hundreds, the fact is that there’s a growing body of evidence that hypnosis is a technique that can benefit people. read more »

Risky shifts

19 April, 2012

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Millions of people all over the world either work a permanent night shift or rotate on a regular basis in and out of night shifts. This includes factory workers, truck drivers, police, and other emergency services personnel. read more »

World Famous in Dunedin

27 March, 2012

posted in uncategorised

Sallie Dawa and Cindy Hall chat with Channel 9 Dunedin about our new premises. View the video link to see the interview that aired on Tuesday 20 March 2012. There’s a great shot of the Development Centre and some interesting historical bits about the building.