Category: uncategorised

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More big news

6 March, 2012

posted in uncategorised

Psychology Associates Development Centre, 1st Floor, 49 Water Street, Dunedin

One of the most exciting aspects of the move to our new premises is the brand new Development Centre. This is over 80 square metres of historic warehouse space for us to use in new creative ways.
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Moving on up

16 February, 2012

posted in uncategorised

Moving day is nearly here!  This is a reminder that Psychology Associates Clinic and Development Centre are moving to the First Floor, 49 Water Street.  As of 1 March 2012, we will be in the lovely and newly remodeled NMA Building (bordered by Cumberland, Water, and Vogel Streets), occupying the whole first floor with our clinic rooms and new state-of-the-art conference and training centre. read more »

Why do we believe weird things?

17 January, 2012

posted in uncategorised, useful resources

We’ve all heard conspiracy theories right? That extermination camps in World War II didn’t exist; who really killed JKF and Princess Diana; and did we really go to the moon?

We cannot just dismiss all such theories out of hand, because real conspiracies do sometimes happen. read more »

A Christmas message

20 December, 2011

posted in uncategorised

The team at Psychology Associates would like to pass on our warmest wishes for the Christmas season and the New Year. Our office will close on Friday, 23rd December 2011 and re-open on 16 January 2012.

Moving to NMA Building

7 December, 2011

posted in uncategorised

A change is in the air at Psychology Associates! We are absolutely thrilled to announce that we are moving! Beginning 1 March 2012, we will be occupying the entire first floor of the beautiful and historic NMA Building at the corner of Cumberland, Water, and Vogel Streets (on the one-way system across from Hunter Furniture). read more »